Tag Archives: Victor Davis Hanson

Things I Just Don’t Understand…


Every once in a while I have to do a “politics dump,” a commentary of current political events, with back up from some of my favorite Conservative or Libertarian thinkers. On Facebook I would have just posted link after link, day after day, but in the blogging world, I prefer this format as I find it to be more productive, constructive, and concise.

In this post I have chosen a few quotes from Victor Davis Hansen and Jonah Goldberg to punctuate my thoughts. The articles from which the quotes were drawn are linked somewhere below.

  • Yup, it’s ALL about “Choice.” Well, maybe for some, but obviously not the abortion industry. Could we PLEASE have a real, honest discussion about what abortion is after 20 weeks? It is murder, pure and simple. How is it I’m supposed to fret over the owls, whales, caribou, snail darters, dogs, cats, and tree frogs, but human babies are verboten, or at least passè? How can people that are often SO adamant about animals and trees care so very little for their own kind?

It’s Time to Defund Planned Parenthood;Shameful: Planned Parenthood’s Weak Response; The Nazis, Medical Research and Planned Parenthood

The recent disclosures about Planned Parenthood likewise infuriated the fed-up base. Again, they were not incensed just at the callous and sick way supposed humanitarians at Planned Parenthood talked of slicing up fetal tissue and selling organs, but at the hypocrisy of it all. At a time liberals are Trotskyzing our past to damn to memory any ancient historical figure who owned slaves or practiced racism, how does Planned Parenthood’s godhead Margaret Sanger, the racist eugenicist and promoter of abortion to curb minority populations, get a pass?

Liberals lecture about “set457181-222196tled science” and adherence to logic instead of myth and folklore. But they also insist on talking of fetuses as non-human organisms, even as they concede both that fetuses in the womb possess viable — and marketable — human tissues and that developing babies at 22 months are now viable outside the womb.

For those who bandy about words like troglodyte, it is quite Neanderthal, in the scientific sense, to believe that a baby is not a living, viable organism until it emerges from the birth canal. For a movement that talks of caring and compassion, it is hard to write a script more cruel and callous than that of the Planned Parenthood talking heads referencing a Lamborghini or a “less crunchy” abortion technique or the macabre house of horrors of the abortionist and convicted murderer Dr. Gosnell. As for the supposed questionable ethics of catching Planned Parenthood with ruse and stealthy tape, no one seemed to object over secretly taping at a private gathering Mitt Romney’s unfortunate quip about the “47 percent,” much less did liberals object to four decades of 60 Minutes ambush-style, secret-video reporting.- VDH

So: We live in a world where Bobby Jindal is a fake Indian, but it’s racist to say an older white woman isn’t a real one (the correct term being “Native American,” of course). Nimages (7)ikki Haley is a villain for “suppressing” her Indian roots, but Senator Ted Cruz is a fraud for touting his Cuban roots. (Cruz was recently grilled by Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin about how authentically Cuban he really is. At least Halperin later apologized.)  -JG

  • When the Catholic leader goes Hitler on Catholicism (do some research on how Hitler perverted the Lutheran church in the run up to WWII)…
What the....?!

What the….?!

The Pope and the Hammer and Sickle
So….Jesus was a Communist now? How do these leftists, including this pope, turn a blind eye to the butchery that has occurred at the hands of Communists since 1917? Che, Mao, Castro, Mao, Stalin- great heroes and humanitarians we should all look up to, but Capitalism is evil? Can one simply compare the economies and standard of living between the people of North and South Korea, not to mention the way each government treats its own people, to debunk this blind ideology? Makes me very glad I’m not Catholic these days. I’d have a hard time taking this pope as God’s mouthpiece.

  • I’m never ceased to be amazed by the hypocrisy of the media and the Democrats and all they have infiltrated. Why does High Faulutin’ Person X (R) get so much media and is often forced into hiding, resignation or prison, but High Faulutin’ Person Y (D) get invites to the White House?

    Once upon a time my husband was an FBI agent. He went through Quantico in 1995 with this guy. He wasn’t terribly impressed with him then and has no use for him now; he seems to be quite a scumbag.

    Dennis Hastert is being targeted for suspect withdraws, but my husband can’t get prosecutors to touch cases this small when it is TAX PAYER money being wasted or stolen? Priorities, priorities…

    Ted Stevens gets taken down, only later the injustice comes out. Harry Reid brags about being a lying scumbag.

    Yet… Al Sharpton? Charlie Rangel? Obamacare lies? Planned Parenthood (see above)? Hillary Clinton? Just to point out a few….

We’re actually making a deal with these crazies, not requiring the return of hostages, and giving them a butt load of money? Oh, yeah, and essentially telling the American people they (through their representatives) have no say so because the approval of the U.N. means more to this president than we do. How long until the election? Can any of this damage be undone?

The conservative base is tired of illegal immigration. Their furor peaked with the horrific killing of Kate Steinle by a seven-time convicted felon and five-time deported illegal alien.  They are baffled that one apparently exempt and privileged ethnic group can arbitrarily decide to ignore federal law. They are irate that they are lectured about their supposed racism from an open-borders movement predicated on La Raza-like ethnic chauvinism. They do not want to hear about nativism from a lobby that so often at rallies waves the flag of the country that none of the protesters seems to wish to return to, a country whose authoritarianism is romanticized as much as their host country is faulted for its magnanimity. Call this what you will, but emotion over neglecting federal law is much less worrisome than cool calculation over violating it.- VDH

  • I grew up in Texas, but have NEVER liked the Confederate flag. In my memory, I never saw anything positive about it, didn’t romanticize the antebellum era, didn’t think blacks should be kept “in their place.” However, when a white guy goes bonkers in South Carolina, ostensibly because hated blacks (and had more than a few screws lose), it’s necessary to question everything about him, dig up a few choice tid-bits that “prove” how racist America is today (not a single change in 50 years!? Really?), seek to destroy any symbol that he may have wrapped himself in…oh, yeah, and cry about a lack of gun control?  But when Muslims commit murder on U.S. soil or kill people over seas, CLEARLY because of their twisted, butcher-the-infidels mindset, we are supposed to delve into their backgrounds to discover what great people they “really” were, find ways to blame ourselves, boost them up, and cover their sins with in a thick veil flag-salute-silhouetteof political correctness? Wow, talk about a screwed up set of priorities. Ditto goes for crimes committed by illegals. Could we please focus on cutting the heart out of radical Islam and facing up to the fact that some people who shouldn’t be here in the first place do bad things and should be held responsible for their actions before we fret over a piece of cloth from a by-gone era? For all of their harping on the beauty of “diversity,” all I see is division in the ranks and making excuses for evil…well, for some…as long as they aren’t white!Honor Heritage with the RIGHT Flag; America, NOT Dylann Roof Should be ForgivenDo the Right Thing, Mr. President — Lower the Flag (Why did this actually take more time to decide to do than lighting up the White House like a rainbow?); The President’s Looking Glass Islamic World; America, One Nation Indivisible Why Does the Left Treat Islamic Terrorism with More Nuance Than the Confederate Flag?

In the last half-century, Americans have increasingly tended to emphasize race and tribe in promoting “diversity,” rather than seeking to strengthen the more tenuous notion of unity with their fellow citizens. We have forgotten that human nature is fond of division and must work at setting aside superficial tribal affinities to unite on the basis of core values and ideas.

Symbols, flags, organizations, and phrases that emphasize racial difference and ethnic pride are no longer just fossilized notions from the 1960s; they are growing fissures in the American mosaic that now threaten to split the country apart — fueling the suspicion of less liberal and more homogeneous nations that the great American experiment will finally unwind as expected.- VDH
